Foodie Pharmacology is the science podcast for the food curious! Dr. Quave is co-creator and host of the show. She speaks with leading experts on certain crops, sustainable farming methods, medicinal plants, and explores the pharmacology--or health impact--of our food through weekly episodes! You can also tune in through subscribing to the podcast on Apple Podcasts. Leave comments and ratings on episodes! Dr. Quave loves to hear from the #FoodiePharmacology fans!

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Wild Waters with Susanne Masters
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Have you spent much time exploring the water? Whether by swimming, kayaking, or hiking along the edges of aquatic habitats—there is always something interesting to see… and sometimes even tasty to eat! On this episode I speak with Susanne Masters, author of the new book Wild Waters: A wildlife and water lover’s companion to the aquatic world. We discuss curious creatures like eels, anemones, kelp and watermint and explore their history and present roll in the culinary traditions of Britain and Ireland.
#kelp #eels #watermint #WildWaters

Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Wild Food & Migration with Prof. Andrea Pieroni
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
This week on the show, we’re going to get a little wild, exploring the wild food traditions across geographic borders in the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, Balkans and Middle East! I’m joined by Professor Andrea Pieroni, a leading ethnobiologist who studies the food traditions of diaspora and minority populations. We discuss the ties between traditional knowledge and community resilience, and celebrate some of the incredible foods found in some of the most remote regions of the world.
#ethnobiology #WildFood #migrant #SlowFood

Monday Jan 10, 2022
Hooked with Michael Moss
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
We’ve talked a lot about the topics of food security and food choice on the show, and I think most of you will agree that it can be hard to keep a healthy diet. But, have you ever considered if some of our food decisions are beyond our control? Are certain foods engineered to be addictive, like drugs or alcohol? An how complicit is the food industry in creating and marketing such foods? We’ll cover these topics and more today with our special guest, Pulitzer prize winning and best selling author, Michael Moss. He’ll share insights from his latest book, Hooked: Food, Free Will and How the Food Giants Exploit Our Addictions. Find out more at his website, https://www.mossbooks.us/ or follow him on Instagram @michaelcmoss .
#FoodIndustry #Addiction #SaltSugarFat #Hooked

Monday Jan 03, 2022
Fresh Banana Leaves with Dr. Jessica Hernandez
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Human health and the sustainability of our global food systems are both intimately linked to the health of planet Earth. But, with the rise of climate change, our world is less healthy than ever before. Despite the undeniable fact that Indigenous communities are among the most affected by climate devastation, Indigenous science is nowhere to be found in mainstream environmental policy or discourse. We have so much to learn from Indigenous holistic land, water and forest management. This week, we’re joined by Indigenous environmental scientist, Dr. Jessica Hernandez, who breaks down why Western conservationism isn’t working and offers Indigenous perspectives on this critical issue. Jessica is author of a new book, Fresh Banana Leaves: Healing Indigenous Landscapes through Indigenous Science. Read more about her work at https://www.jessicabhernandez.com/ or follow her on Twitter @doctora_nature
#IndigenousScience #Science #ClimateChange

Monday Dec 13, 2021
How We Eat with Paco Underhill
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Modern supermarkets bombard shoppers with colorful displays and marketing featuring terms like “healthy” and “all natural”… but what do those marketing titles really mean? Paco Underhill, founder of the behavioral research and consulting firm Envirosell Global LLC, and bestselling author of books like Why we Buy: The Science of Shopping joins us on the show. We chat about his new book, How We Eat: The Brave New World of Food and Beverages, and the evolution of the modern supermarket.
#supermarket #groceries #FoodIndustry #HowWeEat #WhyWeBuy #ScienceOfShopping

Monday Oct 18, 2021
Probiotics, Gut Health, and the Microbiome with Dr. Rheinallt Jones
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
The science behind how the gut microbiome affects our health rapidly evolving with new tools that enable scientists to not only sequence the complex mixtures of microbes in the gut, but also with new laboratory models that enable the study of single microbes in otherwise sterile systems. This week, I welcome an expert in the field of gut microbiome studies, Dr. Rheinallt Jones, to the show. He’s an Associate Professor at the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition of the Department of Pediatrics and founder and director of the Emory Gnotobiotic Core. If you’ve had deep questions about the science of how probiotics and the gut microbiome influences human health, this is the episode for you!
#probiotics #microbiome #GutHealth #PlantHunter #ThePlantHunter

Monday Oct 11, 2021
Unfunc Your Gut with Dr. Peter Kozlowski
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Did you know that your mental, emotional, and spiritual connection to the food you eat influences your health? This week, I speak with Dr. Peter Kozlowski, a physician who keeps functional medicine at the center of his medical practice. We discuss how food sensitivities impact our health and how the process of a food elimination diet can help identify foods that may be problematic for you. We also explore the benefits of intermittent fasting and how changes in diet influence the dynamics of gut health. Dr. Kowzlowski is the author of a new book entitled “Unfunc your gut: A functional medicine guide.” Find out more about his book and medical practice at his website: http://doc-koz.com/
#GutHealth #Microbiome #FunctionalMedicine #PlantHunter

Monday Oct 04, 2021
The Olive Oil Grove with Lucas Soler
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Out of all of my kitchen pantry items, olive oil holds the place of honor for being the most important ingredient in most of our meals, whether in dressing salads or sautéing dishes on the stove. But, not all extra virgin olive oils in the grocery store are alike. There have even been issues with companies adulterating EVOO with other inferior oils to make a bigger profit. In this episode, I chat with Lucas Soler, co-founder of The Olive Oil Grove, about how the quality of olive oil begins at the farm where the olives are grown and extends through the harvest and processing steps. We also taste a delicious bottle of early harvest olive oil on the show and describe the qualities that you can look out for as a consumer in search of the best EVOO for your plate!
#OliveOil #Spain #EVOO

Monday Sep 27, 2021
Ayahuasca & Therapeutic Emplotment with Dr. Hernando Echeverri Sanchez
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Ayahuasca, also known as Yage, has long been integral to shamanic healing rituals in western Amazonia. Consumed in healing and diagnostic rituals, this mixture of plants includes ingredients like monoamine oxidase inhibitors and dimethyl tryptamine, which when consumed together, yields strong purgative and hallucinogenic effects. Other plants, known as Chondur (Cyperus spp.) are also important elements of the ritual, and are key in both cleansing spaces and guiding visions. This week, I chat with anthropologist, Dr. Hernando Echeverri Sanchez, about Yage shamanism trade networks, knowledge exchange, and healing practices.
#Ayahuasca #shaman #MedicinalPlants

Monday Sep 20, 2021
A Good Drink with Shanna Farrell
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
This week we talk about spirits, cocktails, and….. sustainability! My guest is Shanna Farrell, author of the new book “A Good Drink: In Pursuit of Sustainable Spirits.” Shanna specializes in drink cultural and environmental history and you can also find her at her website (https://shanna-farrell.com/) or follow her on Instagram or Twitter @shanna_farrell.
#spirits #sustainablefood #beverages