Foodie Pharmacology is the science podcast for the food curious! Dr. Quave is co-creator and host of the show. She speaks with leading experts on certain crops, sustainable farming methods, medicinal plants, and explores the pharmacology--or health impact--of our food through weekly episodes! You can also tune in through subscribing to the podcast on Apple Podcasts. Leave comments and ratings on episodes! Dr. Quave loves to hear from the #FoodiePharmacology fans!

Monday Apr 15, 2024
Saving Earth's Treasures: The Significance of Herbaria
Monday Apr 15, 2024
Monday Apr 15, 2024
This week on Foodie Pharmacology, host Dr. Cassandra Quave explores the importance of herbaria, focusing on their critical role in research, biodiversity conservation, and education. Dr. Quave, who became the curator of the Emory University Herbarium in 2012, discusses the challenges herbaria face, including funding and space, as illustrated by the recent closure of Duke University's herbarium. Through her experience and excerpts from relevant publications, Quave emphasizes the indispensable utility of herbaria in documenting plant species, contributing to climate change research, and supporting the discovery of new foods and medicines. She also makes a strong case for the preservation of herbaria, calling for support from the public and emphasizing the potential loss of invaluable resources for future generations if these collections continue to be undervalued and neglected.
#herbaria #botany #science