Foodie Pharmacology is the science podcast for the food curious! Dr. Quave is co-creator and host of the show. She speaks with leading experts on certain crops, sustainable farming methods, medicinal plants, and explores the pharmacology--or health impact--of our food through weekly episodes! You can also tune in through subscribing to the podcast on Apple Podcasts. Leave comments and ratings on episodes! Dr. Quave loves to hear from the #FoodiePharmacology fans!

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Addiction & the Gut-Brain Axis with Dr. Vanessa Sperandio
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
New science is emerging that the chemical signals read by our brain (neurotransmitters) also impact the gut. Each of us has a complex gut microbiome composed of many different species, but did you know that some gut bacteria have receptors for neurotransmitters? I speak with leading microbiologist, Dr. Vanessa Sperandio, about research on cocaine addiction behavior and bacterial cell-signaling in the gut.
#cocaine #microbiome #addiction #FoodiePharmacology